Diablo 4 Best Class To Play With Controller

The Best Class to Play Diablo 4 with a Controller

The upcoming Diablo 4 promises to be a thrilling and intense experience, and its four classes offer a variety of play styles for gamers to explore. Playing Diablo 4 with a controller is a great way to get the most out of the game, and each class has its own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to this style of play. Here, we will look at the best class to play Diablo 4 with a controller, and discuss why they are the best choice.


The Barbarian is the classic Diablo class, and is the best choice for those who want to play with a controller. The Barbarian is a powerful melee fighter, with a variety of useful skills and abilities that make them a great choice for players who want to get up close and personal with their opponents. The Barbarian’s ability to use two-handed weapons also makes them a great choice for those who want to play with a controller, as they can easily switch between weapons with the press of a button.

The Barbarian’s main strength lies in their ability to take damage and dish it out in equal measure. Their high health and defensive abilities make them a great choice for those who want to stay in the thick of the fight, and their powerful attacks make them a great choice for those who want to take out their opponents quickly. The Barbarian also has a variety of crowd control abilities, which can be used to keep enemies at bay while the player focuses on their primary targets.

The Barbarian’s primary weakness is their lack of ranged attacks, which makes them vulnerable to distant enemies. However, this can be mitigated somewhat with the use of the Barbarian’s powerful crowd control abilities, as well as by making use of the Barbarian’s mobility to close the gap between them and their opponents. The Barbarian is also relatively slow, which can be an issue in some situations.


The Sorceress is the ranged magic-user of the Diablo 4 classes, and is another great choice for those who want to play with a controller. The Sorceress can deal a huge amount of damage from a distance, making them a great choice for those who want to pick off their opponents from afar. The Sorceress also has a variety of crowd control abilities, which can be used to keep enemies away from the player while they focus on their primary targets.

The Sorceress’s main strength lies in their ability to deal huge amounts of damage from a distance, as well as their ability to control the battlefield with their various crowd control abilities. The Sorceress’s main weakness is their lack of survivability, as they can be easily overwhelmed by enemies if they get too close. The Sorceress is also relatively slow, which can be an issue in some situations.


The Druid is the hybrid class of Diablo 4, and is a great choice for those who want to play with a controller. The Druid is a powerful melee fighter, with a variety of useful skills and abilities that make them a great choice for those who want to get up close and personal with their opponents. The Druid also has a variety of ranged attacks, which can be used to pick off distant enemies, as well as a variety of crowd control abilities which can be used to keep enemies at bay.

The Druid’s main strength lies in their versatility, as they can switch between melee and ranged combat with ease. The Druid also has a variety of defensive abilities, which can be used to keep them safe in the thick of the fight. The Druid’s main weakness is their lack of mobility, as they can be easily overwhelmed by enemies if they get too close.

Demon Hunter

The Demon Hunter is the ranged class of Diablo 4, and is another great choice for those who want to play with a controller. The Demon Hunter can deal a huge amount of damage from a distance, making them a great choice for those who want to pick off their opponents from afar. The Demon Hunter also has a variety of crowd control abilities, which can be used to keep enemies away from the player while they focus on their primary targets.

The Demon Hunter’s main strength lies in their ability to deal huge amounts of damage from a distance, as well as their ability to control the battlefield with their various crowd control abilities. The Demon Hunter’s main weakness is their lack of survivability, as they can be

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